Sacramental Preparation

This program includes 9 In-person class lessons and (1) retreat and (1) extended class session taught in-person by volunteer Catechists. Classes held on a separate Sunday schedule after the 8:30am Mass from 9:30-10:45am.

Schedule of Dates

Since the classes for both Grade 2 and Grade 9 are on the same time slot, we are creating a Buddy program where the students will be able to share the faith together.

Buddy program

Grade 2: Good News At-home Program

The Good News program is designed to guide children to more involvement in Sunday Mass as they see how the Sunday readings tie to their own lives. Realistic stories and Gospel narrations—plus fun-to-do, hands-on activities—support formative learning.

Child Development Levels:

  • Concrete thinkers and learners
  • Storytellers
  • Sensory driven

Good News for Children helps 2nd graders hear and retell the Gospel stories and use their senses to learn about their world.

Here is a link to the Gospel Weeklies  “Good News” program

Grade 2: First Reconciliation

Together in Jesus:  First Reconciliation

6 Lessons focus on biblical stories about Christian living — including the Good Samaritan, the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Prodigal Son – to help children appreciate that God loves them and is always ready to forgive them. Activity stickers help children relate the stories to their lives.

2 lessons will be covered during the Fall Retreat Kick off Extended Session  and the other 4 lessons will be taught during our Sacramental Preparation In-person class schedule.

Reconciliation Service will be scheduled in January.  Parent Meeting prior to the service to answer any question.

Grade 2 – First Communion

Lessons explore the sacraments of initiation, the liturgical seasons, and the biblical stories of Zacchaeus, the loaves and the fish, and the Last Supper — drawing children into fuller and more active participation in the life of the Church.

4 lessons will be taught during our Sacramental Preparation In-person class schedule and 2 lessons will be covered during the First Communion Retreat.  A parent meeting is also schedule for the retreat to review the Mass and all its details.

There will be a scheduled Rehearsal a week before the Mass to prepare for the First Communion Mass.

First Communion Mass will be scheduled in May.

Grade 8- Confirmation Year 1

Gifted with the Spirit – Junior High Edition

Every lesson of Gifted with the Spirit begins and ends with prayer. Each lesson includes hands-on Bible activities to help the young people develop greater familiarity and comfort with Scripture. Lessons also include a Catholic Literacy feature, definition of faith words, journaling opportunities, individual and group activities that invite the young people to consider ways to put their faith into action, and suggestions for service.

Grades 8:  Visions At-home Gospel Weeklies Program

The Gospel Weeklies Visions program is designed for pre-teens and teens in that it emphasizes social justice, moral reasoning, and service through current-interest articles, life-dilemma stories, and real Christian life examples. Discussion starters help young teens explore links between today’s issues, the Sunday readings, and their own lives.

Child Development Levels:

  • Emotional and social development
  • Maturing physically
  • New thinking capacity
  • Wanting to belong to groups and make lasting relationships

Visions lead junior and senior high students to stretch their developing abstract thinking skills and to apply them to going beyond the literal level of the Scripture stories.

Here is a link to the Gospel Weeklies  “Visions” program

Grade 9 – Confirmation Year 2

Gifted with the Spirit – Senior High Edition

Each lesson helps lead candidates to strengthen their relationship with Jesus as The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Photos help them visualize meaning, the writing is clear and concise, and activities are both thought-provoking and involving. There is a prayer service in each unit, the relationship among the sacraments is reviewed, and the call to service is presented fully.