
Altar Serving is available for children starting in the 4th grade who wish to serve at Holy Mass. The schedules are issued once per quarter and every effort is made to accommodate a family’s Mass preferences and training is provided. Altar Servers fulfill the 10 hours of service for the Church part of confirmation.

Lectors are a very important and integral part of the mass as they proclaim the Word of God. The schedules are issued once per quarter and every effort is made to accommodate a family’s Mass preferences and training is provided.

Ministers of Communion help distribute the Eucharist at Mass, Bring communion to South County Nursing Home and also to the homebound. The schedules are issued once per quarter and every effort is made to accommodate a family’s Mass preferences and training is provided.

Choir Members enrich the liturgy in a very special way under the direction of Alison Shea, Music Director. There are three choirs at St Bernard’s: Adult, Teen and Children’s. The adult choir sings weekly at the 10:30 AM Mass and the Teen and Children’s Choirs sing once a month and on special occasions.